November 2012
Turnbull, Sue (Joint Editor). Editorial introduction
Bore, Inger-Lise Kalviknes. Focus Group Research and TV Comedy Audiences
George, Kelly C. Self-Help as Women’s Popular Culture in Suburban New Jersey: an Ethnographic Perspective
Redfern, Nick. Correspondence Analysis of Genre Preferences in UK Film Audiences
Special Section: Comic-Book Audiences
Sabin, Roger. Special Section Introduction
Barker, Martin. The Reception of Joe Sacco’s Palestine
Berenstein, Ofer. Comic-Book Fans’ Recommendations Ceremony: A Look at the Inter-personal Communication Patterns of a Unique Readers/Speakers Community
Burke, Liam. “Superman in Green”: An Audience Study of Comic-Book Film Adaptations Thor and Green Lantern
Gordon, Ian. Writing to Superman: Towards an Understanding of the Social Networks of Comic Book Fans
Locke, Simon. Fanboy as a revolutionary category
Patrick, Kevin. “Phans”, not “Fans”: The Phantom and Australian Comic-Book Fandom
Sabeti, Shari. “Arts of Time and Space”: the Perspectives of a Teenage Audience on Reading Novels and Graphic Novels
Woo, Benjamin. Understanding Understandings of Comics: Reading and Collecting as Media-Oriented Practices
Special Section: Music Audiences
Bennett, Lucy. Special Section Introduction
Anderson, Lauren. “That’s how it’s supposed to make you feel”: Talking with Audiences about ‘Both Sides Now’ and Love Actually
Anderson, Tonya. Still Kissing Their Posters Goodnight: Female Fandom and the Politics of Popular Music
Avdeeff, Melissa. Technological Engagement and Musical Eclecticism: An Examination of Contemporary Listening Practices
Baym, Nancy K. Fans or Friends? Seeing Social Media As Musicians Do
Duffett, Mark. Boosting Elvis: a Content Analysis of Editorial Stories from One Fan Club Magazine
Kaun, Anne & Fredrik Stiernstedt. Media Memories: The Case of Youth Radio DT64
Potts, Liza. Amanda Palmer and the #LOFNOTC: How Online Fan Participation is Rewriting Music Labels
Zaborowski, Rafal. Simple Unchanging Stories about Things We Already Know’: Japanese youth and popular songs
Special Section: Audience Involvement and New Production Paradigms [COST Action]
Noguera, José-Manuel, Francesca Pasquali & Mélanie Bourdaa. Special Section Introduction
Hills, Matt. Torchwood’s Trans-transmedia: Media Tie-ins and Brand “Fanagement”
García-Avilés, José Alberto. Roles of Audience Participation in Multiplatform Television: from Fans and Consumers, to Collaborators and Activists
Boccia Artieri, Giovanni. Productive Publics and Transmedia Participation
Vobic, Igor & Ana Milojevic. Societal Roles of Online Journalists in Slovenia and Serbia: Self-Perceptions in Relation to the Audience and Print Journalists
Cordeiro, Paula. Radio becoming R@dio: Convergence, Interactivity and Broadcasting Trends in Perspective
Bennett, Lucy. Transformations through Twitter: The England Riots, Television Viewership and Negotiations of Power through Media Convergence
Horváth, Dóra, Tamás Csordás & Nóra Nyiro. Re-written by Machine and New Technology: Did the Internet Kill the Video Star?
Grandío, María del Mar & Joseba Bonaut. Transmedia Audiences and Television Fiction: a Comparative Approach between Skins (UK) and El Barco (Spain)
Berriman, Liam. Negotiating Proximity: The Co-Existence of Habbo and its Fansites
Lin, Yu-Wei. The Emergence of the Techno Elite Audience and Free/Open Source Content: A Case Study on BBC Backstage
Villi, Mikko. Social Curation in Audience Communities: UDC (User-distributed Content) in the Networked Media Ecosystem
Special Section: Multi-Method Audience Research [COST Action]
Schrøder, Kim Christian, Uwe Hasebrink, Sascha Hölig and Martin Barker. Special Section Introduction
Aveyard, Karina. Observer, Mediator and Empiricist: an Account of Methodological Fusion in the Study of Rural Cinema Audiences in Australia
Barker, Martin & Ernest Mathijs. Researching World Audiences: the Experience of a Complex Methodology
Biltereyst, Daniël, Kathleen Lotze & Philippe Meers. Triangulation in Historical Audience Research: Reflections and Experiences from a Multi-Methodological Research Project on Cinema Audiences in Flanders
Courtois, Cédric. When Two Worlds Meet: an Inter-Paradigmatic Mixed Method Approach to Convergent Audiovisual Media Consumption
Dhoest, Alexander. Mixed Methods, Bifocal Vision: Combining Quantitative and Qualitative Data to Assess Public Service Performance
Hasebrink, Uwe &Hanna Domeyer. Media Repertoires as patterns of behaviour and as Meaningful Practices: a Multimethod Approach to Media Use in Converging Media Environments
Nyiro, Nóra. Nested Analysis-based Mixed Method Research of Television and Video-recording Audiences
Schrøder, Kim Christian. Methodological Pluralism as a Vehicle of Qualitative Generalization
Gelly, Christophe & David Roche (eds.). Approaches to Film and Reception Theories / Cinéma et Théories de la Réception (Reviewed by Martin Barker)
Miller, Daniel. The Comfort of Things, and Stuff (Reviewed by Phil Ramsey)
Thumim, Nancy. Self-Representation and Digital Culture (Reviewed by Justin Battin)