November 2010
Special Edition: Screen Dance Audiences
Reason, Matthew & Dee Reynolds (Guest Editors – Special Edition). Special Issue Introduction
Bench, Harmony. Screendance 2.0: Social Dance-Media
David, Ann. Dancing the diasporic dream? Embodied desires and the changing audiences for Bollywood film dance
Pearlman, Karen. If a dancing figure falls in the forest and nobody sees her…
Reason, Matthew. Thinking about Audiences: a dance film-maker’s perspective. An interview with Alex Reuben
Wood, Karen. An investigation into audiences’ televisual experience of Strictly Come Dancing
Chopra-Gant, Mike. Dirty movies, or: why film scholars should stop worrying about Citizen Kane and learn to love bad films
Lang, Anouk. “A Dirty Little Secret”: Taste Hierarchies and Richard and Judy’s Book Club
McKinnon, Scott. Taking the Word ‘Out’ West: Movie Reception and Gay Spaces
Radbourne, Jennifer, Katya Johanson & Hilary Glow. Empowering Audiences to Measure Quality
Walker, Becky. The L Word fan fiction reimagining intimate partner violence
Goode, Sarah D. Understanding and Addressing Sexual Attraction to Children: A Study of Peadophiles in Contemporary Society. Routledge (2010). ISBN: 9780415446266.
Snickars, Pelle & Patrick Vondreau (eds.). The Youtube Reader. National Library of Sweden (2009). ISBN: 9789188468116.