Volume 6, Issue 1

May 2009


Barker, Martin (Joint Editor). Editorial Introduction


Ashton, Daniel. Interactions, Delegations and Online Digital Games Players in Communities of Practice

Jancovich, Mark. Shadows and Bogeymen: Horror, Stylization and the Critical Reception of Orson Welles during the 1940s

LΓ€hdesmΓ€ki, Tuuli. From personality cult figure to camp image – the case of President Urho Kekkonen

Mathieu, David. Cultural Knowledge in News Comprehension

Meadows, Michael. Walking the talk: reflections on Indigenous media audience research methods

Michelle, Carolyn. (Re)contextualising Audience Receptions of Reality TV


McConachie, Bruce. Engaging Audiences – a cognitive approach to spectating in the theatre.Β Β New York and Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan (2008). ISBN-13: 978-0-230-60988-4, ISBN-10: 0-230-60988-0, pp. 248.

Wilson, Tony. Understanding Media Users: From Theory to Practice.Β  Wiley-Blackwell (2009). ISBN 978-1-4051-5567-0, pp. 219